Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Big Secret to SAT Writing Strategies to Excel
The Big Secret to SAT Writing Strategies to Excel SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've noticed that the SAT Writing section seems to be confusing, that's becauseit's intentionally designed to be that way. But we're going to let you in on something that the College Board doesn't want you to know: there area few key secrets that will help you understand this part of the SAT,and knowing them makes itmuch easier to crack.Read on to learn how to take this section of the SAT into your own hands. In this article, I am going to show you: How the SAT Writing tries to trick you with "normal"-sounding English How the SAT Writing testsunusual grammar and style rules that your English class may not have focused on The top concepts that the SAT Writing testover and over and over again Why this predictability matters and how to use it to your advantage Without further ado, let's dive into one of the number one ways the SAT Writing counts on making you mess up. Everyday English Is a Trap Did you know that the English you speak every day is probably grammatically incorrect?The College Board does,and in fact they were counting on that when they designed the SAT Writing.Each of the sentences below has at least one error. Can you spot them? Kim and me attended the civil rights conference that was held at school today. We discussed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, debated different modern-day issues, and were talking about freedom of speech. We learned that if someone is different to you, you should respect them for who they are. The SATtests everyday incorrect English to see who knows what "sounds" right, and who actually knows the different grammar rules. There are two main strategies that the test writersuse to do this. The first is that they will give you a deceptively simple-looking sentence that sounds normal but actually has a tricky grammar error. The second is to give you a ridiculously convoluted sentence that hides a simple grammar mistake. They are testing you: can you see through their sentences to the grammatical structures underneath? Let's look at an example. Here is something I recently heard on a well-known televised cooking competition: She sliced the Wellington, and gave it to Nick and I to garnish. Though a lot of people talk this way,it's not correct. Why?"Nick and I" are both objects of the preposition "to", and therefore "I" should be in the objective case- "me". In colloquial English use, you will often hear peoplemisusing pronoun cases. This is one of the many "everyday English" mistakes that the SAT will throw at you. Not sure what a pronoun case is?Thereââ¬â¢s a guide for that. At other times, the SAT will hide simple grammatical errors in a very wordy sentence. Example The lamb is not properly cooked, and having to apologize to the guests for his mistakes are the most embarrassing thing about participating inHell's Kitchen. If the above sentence just read, "Having to apologize are the most embarrassing thing," most people would immediately spot the error. The SAT adds extra unnecessary phrases and clauses to make these simple error more difficult to spot. Good news! Now that you know the main way that the SAT Writing tries to trick you, you canuse it to your advantage. Remember that you cannot just use your ear to know if a sentence is correct or incorrect. (Unless you have an exceptionally-trained ear, of course! But most people who speak everyday English do not. Remember that the SAT cares about correct grammar over awkwardness.Just because a sentence is phrased very oddly doesn't mean it's incorrect. Look for the same things that you would look for in a more normal-sounding sentence (like subject-verb agreement, pronoun case, etc.) to see if it's grammatically correct. Remember, the SAT doesn't care if something is awkward. This is why it's so important to understand what the SAT thinks is grammatically correct, as opposed to what you think sounds good.Many of these grammar rules you will be familiar with, but other may come as a surprise to you, and that's because... SAT Writing Doesn't Always Test Normal Grammar Rules Some of the rules they test you on seem downright arbitrary, and, in fact, they are. In theory, you will have learned many of the more "normal" rules in your high school English class. As discussed above, though, this doesn't mean that these concepts will be covered in as straightforward a way as you are used to. Other times, however, you will need to learn the SAT's weird "grammar" rules, which mostly focus onstyle, and what the SAT thinks sounds correct!Don't be fooled by these just because they are not the same as what you have covered in class. Here are some of the top stylistic rules the SAT Writing favors: 1. Pronouns must have a clear antecedent. The antecedent is the noun that the pronoun is replacing. On the SAT, the antecedentmust actually be referenced in the same sentence, or a very nearby sentence in the case of Improving Paragraphs. If it not 100% clear - and spelled out - what the pronoun is referring to, it's incorrect in the SAT's eyes. Let's look at an example: Melissa hurried into the theater and tried to find her seat, relieved that it had not already started. Most people would have no trouble understanding this sentence. It's clear from the context that Melissa is relieved that whatever show she is seeing in the theater has not started yet. However, in the SAT's eyes, this sentence would beincorrectbecause we don't have an explicitly-stated antecedent for "it". According to the SAT, the only things that "it" could refer to are either "theater" or "seat" - and neither of those makes sense! 2. Always use "and" instead of other connecting words The SAT Writing also tests you on your ability to state something in themost straightforward and concise way.By their standards, "and" is the most straightforward way to join things together. So, if you see a sentence trying to replace "and" with another connecting word - such as "plus" or "as well as" - it is incorrect. Note that this does not apply to joining independent clauses together for compound sentences. OnlyFANBOYS conjunction can be usedfor that task. Let's look at an example: Amanda took one job in a restaurant plus one in a hotel. This would be consideredincorrect. Instead, try this: Amanda took one job in a restaurantand one in a hotel. 3. Only similar things can be compared We have a whole article on this topic if you want to go into it in more depth. The basic idea is that the SAT only wants you to compare two similar things. Obviously this has nothing to do with being grammatically correct English- it's just the SAT's preference. For example: John's car was newer than Jerry. Grammatically this makes perfect sense: Let's say that Jerry is 30 years old, but John's car is only 5 years old. However, in the SAT's eyes this is a mistake because a car and a person are too dissimilar to be compared. Let's look at another: Kim Kardashian was jealous because her selfies were not as popular as Khloe. Beware of selfie rage. Again, strictly from a grammar point of view, thisis a correct sentence. One might hope that a human being is more popular than a selfie. However, the SAT does not want you to compare Kim's selfies to Khloe; instead, it wants you to compare Kim's selfies to Khloe's selfies. This is how the sentence would look corrected: Kim Kardashian was jealous because her selfies were not as popular as Khloe's selfies. Now we are comparing selfies to selfies, which are two similar things, and therefore this comparison has the SAT's blessing. 4. Don't delete something unless it is redundant This doesn't come up too frequently, but occasionally an Identifying Errors question will give you something like this: As part of his annual payment, he receives a bonus every year. According to the SAT, this kind of redundancy is incorrect. This goes back to our rule of making everything concise as concise as possible - if you have already been told that something happens annually, you don't also need to be told that it happens every year! 5. Be careful ofusing "because" with nouns The SAT Writing will occasionally use two constructions with the word "because", and both of them are considered incorrect. The first is something that has become common slang recently:because + noun For example, to paraphrase a recent Carl's Jr. commercial, We made a disgusting hamburger with a hot dog on top of itbecause America. Better together? This, unfortunately, will never be correct. Similarly, occasionally the SAT will use the following incorrect construction:noun + is because of Let's look at an example: The drought in California is because of the lack of rain. So, how do you make sure you always catch these problems? Whenever you see the word "because", make sure that it is joiningtwo clauses. A clause is something that has both a subject and a verb. Alternately, "because of" can be used as a preposition with a noun object, but in that case make sure that the rest of the sentence makes sense on its own if you get rid of the prepositional phrase! To fix the above sentences, we would say: We made a disgusting hamburger with a hot dog on top of itbecausewe have misunderstood what America needs. Thereisadroughtin Californiabecausewe have had a lack of rain. OR Thereisadrought in Californiabecause of the lack of rain. 6. If more than one answer is grammatically correct, choose the most concise answer that has the fewest extra words. Many students mistakenly think that having more words makes a sentence sound more academic, but this is not the case. The SAT Writing will always be looking to see if you can spot the most direct and concise way of saying something. So when two or more answers are equally grammatically correct, go for the most concise answer. These six rules are important to know, along with the more basic grammar rules that you've learned in school. This is because.... The SAT likes to test the same thing - over and over and over again. Good news! Though the SAT does try to trick you in the ways we discussed above, it'sotherwisevery consistent and easy to predict.It really only focuses on a few different concepts, and will test you on those concepts repeatedly. The below graphs show SAT Writingââ¬â¢s favorite question types grammar rules to test. If you master those main concepts, you will be a step ahead in conquering this section. What does this tell you? Top secrets for Improving Sentences Around ââ¦â¢ of the time, the sentences will be correct as is. Many students are afraid to choose this option, or to choose it too often. If you finish this section and you havenââ¬â¢t had any (A) answers, you can assume you probably went wrong somewhere! Over half the questions will test the same four concepts: Wordiness, especially through gerunds, participles, and use of the passive voice. Ifyou see an answer choice that contains a lot of -ing or -ed words, and the same idea is expressed more succinctly and directly in another option, go for the other option. Fixing comma splices, run-ons, or incorrect conjunctions. Therefore, make sure that you understand how to use semicolons to connect two independent clauses instead of commas. Fixing dangling or misplaced modifiers.Whenever you see a clause or phrase describing something, make sure it's next to the thing itââ¬â¢s describing. Using correct parallel structure.If similar ideas can be expressed through similar language, do it! For more information on this, see our guide to parallel structure. What does this tell you? Top secrets for Identifying Errors About ââ¦â¢ of the time, the correct answer will be (E), No Error. These questions can occur back to back. Over 25% of the questions are all about verbs: either subject-verb agreement, or correct verb tense/form.Make sure to see our guide all about how verbs are used on the SAT Writing section, and you will be well on your way to understanding this section. One of the other most common mistakes is in pronoun-antecedent agreement.This topic is all about attention to detail - make sure you match up pronouns to what they refer to and check that plural pronouns match with plural nouns. Check out our guide to parts of speech for more info on when to use which pronoun. What does this tell you? Top secrets for Improving Paragraphs Most questions in this section are about how to improve sentences - meaning that you will use the exact same skills that you need for Improving Sentences questions. The other main question types in this section focus on context. In order to understand how to use transitions and where to add or delete info, you need to be able to understand how sentences are working in the paragraph as a whole.This skill is unique to this section of the Writing SAT.For more info about how to master this section, see our guide on how to approach Improving Paragraphs questions. Why does predictability matter? As you have just seen, the SAT writing sectionactually does not cover that many different topics, and very few concepts will be focused on in detail. This means that you canfocus your studying. Especially if you are aiming for a score around 500 - 600, you should focus on learning the most commonly-tested concepts.When you do this, you will soon start to notice that alot of the questions look similar. This is a good thing- it means that you're learning to beat the SAT at its own game! This is why practice is particularly important for this section of the test and can lead to abig score improvement. If you're used to the kinds of questions that you will see over and over, you willimmediately recognize the kind of question you are being presented with. For effective studying, you should work withreal question from past SAT tests.You can find somehere. When you start to notice patterns,write them down.For example, when a question makes a point of mentioning time, it's most likely going to be averb tense question. You will start to notice a lot of patterns like this that will alert you to what kind of question you are getting. This will help you immediately spotwhat the SAT is asking forand will make the questionseasier to answer. Now that you know this, you can... Use the Test to Create Your Strategy Now that you know the SAT writing sectionis going to be very predictable and follow a certain pattern, you can use this fact to your advantage.Create a plan that you can use to attack each question type. Try using the following steps when working on this section of the test: 1. When you read the sentences and answer choices, alwayseliminate any obvious grammar errors first. 2. Next, eliminate any answers that are structurally identical. They can't both be correct, and therefore neither one is correct. 3. Take a closer look at the question, and see if you can find any of themost common errors that the SAT Writing tests.For example, check that subjects and verbs agree, that pronouns have an obvious antecedent that they match in number, that the verb tense is correct, that there are no run-ons, and that parallel structure is used correctly. Going through this list of potential issues will allow you to answerthe vast majority of the questions. 4. If you are still stuck between a few answer choices that both seem grammatically correct,always choose the most concise answer, with the fewest gerunds and extra words. You May Now Dominate the Test Understanding how the test works puts you in a position of power. Get excited - you know the secrets now! Instead of feeling helpless oruncertain about SAT Writing questions, you can confidently attack them, confidentthat you already know everything they're going to ask you. Keep calm and test on. Nerves contribute to careless errors. Because you now know what to expect, you have nothing to fear! Whatââ¬â¢s next? Now you know what to look for, so go out and conquer the grammar concepts you need to learn. If you want to test yourself, try out some of the most difficult questions you will find on SAT Writing. Aiming for a top score? Read8 key strategies to improve your score, and check out thesetop tips from a perfect scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. 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Friday, November 22, 2019
Reader-profile questionnaire - Emphasis
Reader-profile questionnaire Reader-profile questionnaire That business writing should be centred on the readers needs is not exactly earth-shattering news. But putting this maxim into practice is a different matter altogether. Reader-centred writing If youre like most people, youre much more likely to be focused on your own needs such as impressing your manager or getting the task of writing the email or report off your to-do list than on those of your audience. So you need to take definitive action to switch yourself out of this default position. Nor is it enough to identify the areas of the subject that are going to be most useful to the reader(s). You also need to gauge their likely level of interest. And, of course, if they have very little interest in the subject, you will need to work extra hard to grab and keep their attention. You can find out more about grabbing and keeping attention on our courses. But for now, you can download our free reader-profile questionnaire to help you focus on the needs of your audience.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Profile of Offshore Financial Center - Bahamas Term Paper
Profile of Offshore Financial Center - Bahamas - Term Paper Example Particularly for the offshore company, it requires to perform several checks and researches into the preferred offshore financial center to ensure that investing in that market can guarantee fruitful financial returns (Zorome, 2007). It is against this background that periodic environmental assessment analyses are performed for various offshore financial centres to test their financial viability for specific offshore companies and offshore countries. In the current paper, the spotlight is put on Bahamas as an offshore financial center to critically understudy the viability of that financial market as a preferred entity to use to raise capital Intel Corporation prior to doing an initial public offer. The profiling of Bahamas as a viable offshore financial center is done along six major parameters as outlined below. Secrecy and Views In the financial market, such as the offshore financial center, issues of secrecy and views are very important for the determination of financial transpar ency of a given center. It is for this reason that the need to study the secrecy and views that prevails on the Bahamian offshore market, such as financial secrecy is very important for making decision on the selection of the country as an entity for raising capital for an initial public offer. Nyangosi, Arora and Sing (2009) has explained that situations of financial secrecy exists when financial institutions refuse to disclose crucial financial information to the appropriate authorities for tax decision making and other criminal law enforcement policies. In effect, a higher scoring on financial secrecy index is a negative indication for satisfactory financial transparency. Meanwhile according to the Tax Justice Network (2011), the scoring for Bahamas in financial transparency is 83%, indicating an unacceptable level of secrecy and suppression of views. From the graph below, it will be noted that from a 15 financial secrecy indicator, Bahamas scored negative marks for most of the i ndicators. Source: Tax Justice Network (2011) For investors wanting to choose Bahamas as a preferred entity to use to raise capital for Intel Corporation prior to doing an IPO, the risk of not knowing the legitimate financial values and figures for most indicators that will be necessary for taking stock market decisions prevails (Breiman et al, 2009). Having stated the above however, it is important to stress the point that new policies and reforms have started emerging in Bahamas that make incumbent upon the country to have a free economy and exchange information as specified in Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) guidelines (Riyadh, Akter and Islam, 2009). Proximity to US Proximity has always been said to be an important factor in the determination of an offshore financial center destination for raising capital for Intel Corporation ahead of an initial public offer. This is because most offshore companies that operate in offshore financial centers do so b y operating parent companies that govern and run the key organizational
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Apple's Suicide Factory Outsourcing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Apple's Suicide Factory Outsourcing - Case Study Example Apple Inc. has a widespread global distribution network terminals in every continent. Companyââ¬â¢s products are sold through online stores, retail stores, direct sales force, and dealers. There are three hundred and thirty two Apple Inc. stores in the United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Spain. The supply chain management at Apple Inc Supply chain management involves setting up of objectives, designing and implementing strategies to achieve the objectives as well as monitoring and evaluating all the processes and activities. The activities in the supply chain including but not limited to material sourcing and procurement, conversion of raw materials, the collaboration between the company and channel partners; transportation of raw materials from producers to factory and transportation of finished products from the factory to the consumers. An effective supply chain achieves high sales and profits. Apple Inc. is the company to reckon. This is because it has the most reliable and profitable supply chain. The supply chain meets customersââ¬â¢ needs on time. Furthermore, in its manufacturing process, it delays competitorsââ¬â¢ products from reaching the market. Goldman (2011) revealed that competitors of the company are being delayed from manufacturing their products because Apple Inc. contracted the world largest suppliers, who give Apple Inc. products a priority. This makes the company confident in its supply. The type of Appleââ¬â¢s Inc. supply chain is the dominant company. The company practice vertical integration in its manufacturing process, which enables the company to outsource several of its components. However, the company controls the software, hardware, and processors. Apple Inc. uses its large size and vast resources to obtain deals with component producers and makes sure that the companyââ¬â¢s component is made available to the company at a ll times. Furthermore, in its supply chain, Apple Inc. sells few products. However, it sells many other common parts to all its gadgets. This makes Apple Inc. supply chain the most perfected. In Singapore, Samsung makes central processing units, video processing chips while Infineon makes baseband communication gadgets. In Taiwan, there are six companies. Foxconn International manufactures internal circuitry; Primax Electronics makes digital camera modules; Omicron Technology produces printed circuit boards; Entry Industrial makes connectors; Cambridge Silicon makes Bluetooth chipsets, and Catcher Technology makes stainless metal casings. Figure 1: Appleââ¬â¢s Supply Chain Map Apple Supply Chain Singapore Taiwan the United States-China Source: Abilla (2007) In the United States of America, Broadcom produces touch screen controllers and Marvell manufactures 802.11 specific parts. Apple Shenzhen in China assembles all hardware, package the readymade and store products as they await dispatch to various global markets.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Perceive Social Effects of Handheld Gadgets Essay Example for Free
Perceive Social Effects of Handheld Gadgets Essay The Problem and Its Setting INTRODUCTION Gadgets are small mechanicals or electronic devices with a practical use. Electronic gadgets are very essential and useful to the world today. Gadgets are needed to do business, to have some regeneration and help people get through their daily lives. They have made life a lot simpler for businessmen, corporate executives and entrepreneurs as they can monitor their business and work while they are away, but according to a research conducted previously in America, infants and youngsters should not have any exposure to technology yet. According to Oxford English Dictionary the 11th Edition (2014) perceive is from a variant of Old French ââ¬Å"Percoiverâ⬠and from Latin ââ¬Å"Percipereâ⬠which is to understand. Effects of an event or something used are often tested through tests. As to this, the group will conduct a survey to test the social effects caused by gadgets to children, especiallyà to the students of Philippine School Doha. Background of the Study Today, there are many people who seek to find new uses for different things. Luckily, students are tasked by their respective Science teacher to conduct a research to seek new inventions and discoveries that might help the community. One of the main topics of the researchers is the essential use of gadgets and its perceive social effects to children. The students found a research regarding handheld gadgets and its uses and effects to human beings, especially to the young ones. The group decided to conduct a survey regarding the harmful effects of abusive use of handheld gadgets to selected students of their school. This research seeks for a change and answer to why gadgets have harmful effects and what are the effects especially to the young ones and their social life. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to prove the social effects of overuse of handheld gadgets. Specifically, this aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What are the harmful effects of handheld devices to human beings? 2) What are its advantages and disadvantages? 3) What will be the after effect of the research or survey to the students of Philippine School Doha?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hippocrates, The Father Of Medicine :: essays research papers
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine à à à à à Hippocrates, greatest physician of antiquity, is regarded as the father of medicine. Born on the island of Kos, Greece in the year 460 b.c., says the earliest biography written by Soranus of Ephesus in the a third century a.d. Although a native of Kos he was forced to leave the island as the result of a fire for which he was blamed. He traveled to many other islands to practice medicine. Most of the cases in the two books of Epidemics considered to be genuine are located at Thasos, a small island in the North Aegean Sea, and at Abdera, a town on the adjacent mainland; but there are also references to Cyzicus, on the south coast of the Sea of Marmara, and to Larisa and Meliboea in Thessaly. He died, according to tradition, in Larissa, Greece; little else is known about him. His name is associated wioth the Hippocratic Oath, though he probably is not the author of the document. In fact, of the approximately 70 works ascribed to him in the Hippocratic Collection, Hippocrates may actually have written about six of them. The Hippocratic Collection probably is the remnant of the medical library of the famous Kos school of medicine. His teachings, sense of detachment, and ability to make direct, clinical observations probably influenced the other authors of these works and had much to do with freeing ancient medicine from superstition. à à à à à Among the more significant works of the Hippocratic Collection is Airs, Waters, and Places, which, instead of ascribing diseases to divine origin, disusses their environmental causes. It proposes that considerations such as a town's weather drinking water, and site along the paths of favorable winds can help a physician ascertain the general health of citizens. Three other works- Prognostic, Coan Prognosis, and Aphorisms -advanced the then- revbolutionary idea that, by observing enough cases, a physician can predict the course of a disease. à à à à à The idea of preventative medicine, first concieved in Regimen and Regimen in Acute Diseases, sterss not only diet but also the patient's general
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Motivation and Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma
Is there a relationship between the amounts of control desired in a police organization and the ability of police officials to create a motivating environment among rank-and-file officers? If so, how is balance arrived at between these two apparently opposite concerns in police organizations? I believe that the relationship between the control which is desired and the ability to create a motivating environment. It is not a clear cut relationship and it can cause problems within the organization and for the employees. The problem with this relationship is that while the people in charge of the organization want a specified amount of control, they cannot accomplish this without some repercussions. The difficulty lies within how to gain this control without completely alienating every employee who works within the organization. The important part of the relationship is to compromise and understand that the officers have needs which must be addressed. An example of how important that these two needs are met shows in Maslow's Needs Theory. (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). Maslow asserts that the officers have the ââ¬Å"need to feel safe in their environment and free from and threat of attack by aggressors. â⬠(Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). The relevance of this to the relationship in question is with Captain Frebe's new strategy to micromanage the officers. This also forces the hands of the sergeants' to take the lead as the overseer's of the micromanagement. The officers and sergeants believe that they are being attacked by an aggressive force, and therefore, their lower needs are not being met. This causes the higher needs to decrease. A balance will not be found with the current strategy that Frebe is using. It makes the officers believe that they cannot be trusted to do their jobs. While there were a number of officers who were not doing their jobs, the changes impacted those who were doing their jobs. The system is too complex. Instead of fixing the situation, it only made it worse. The employees believed that they were unable to do their jobs because they were being micromanaged. The sergeants were angry because the fact that they were being pulled away from their duties to watch the officers and write reports about the officers performance. This was a noble idea, but it was demanding an excessive solution for the situation. If Frebe had requested that the reports were written on a less frequent basis it may have been easier to deal with. For instance a compromise could have been reached if Frebe had solicited feedback before the situation became out of hand. It would have been helpful if Frebe asked the Sergeants and the officers for their input to solve this problem. How could have Captain Frebe instituted the mechanisms for officer accountability without alienating officers? What role do officers have in creating a motivating environment within police organizations? Captain Frebeââ¬Ës first mistake was to not ask for advice or for input before implementing such strict changes. The mandatory odometer readings and the quotas for tickets seemed to be an excessive change to implement. There were some officers who were not doing their jobs, but most of the officers were doing a good job. There were other methods that should have been researched before this was implemented. One method could have been the use of the reflection of their ââ¬Å"work performance in their pay raises. With this technique the ââ¬Å"low ratings will hit him in the walletâ⬠(Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). Many people are motivated by money, and for those who choose not to do their job up to standard would be paid accordingly. The other option would be to use positive feedback for a job well done. The use of positive feedback can bring and officer aâ⬠personal sen se of accomplishment (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). Officers are either going to be motivated or not motivated. ââ¬Å"There is no such thing as motivationâ⬠(Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). A saying that comes to mind is ââ¬Å"I can not motivate my guys, the only thing I can do is provide them the opportunities and the environment to become motivated. â⬠While it is not only up to the officers to be motivated, they must have others around them who encourage them in their endeavors, and appreciate the hard work that they do. The main concern is that the needs are being met of the officers, and of the organization. There is a dire need of safety and security within the environment of the policing organization. With the dangerousness of the job, officers should at least have the guarantee that while they are in the station and out doing their job that they can do it in the safest manner possible. With the added stress of monitoring so many aspects such as odometer readings and quotas, it could cause any good officer to become seriously stressed out. The officers may also take part in groups such as ââ¬Å"Quality Circle groupsâ⬠(Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). These are groups which enrich the officers and their work experience. It is an organization that promotes the ââ¬Å"well being of the workers. These are beneficial groups who meet on a regular basis with non management members to ââ¬Å"identify, analyze, and recommend solutions to problems within the agency. â⬠These types of groups can make the employees feel that they have a safe haven within their reach to address concerns. Is it true that you really cannot motivate persons in organizations? If this statement i s true, then is there any role for administrators and managers in the motivation of their employees? Are there unique concerns that face police supervisors that make motivation of employees difficult? If so, what are they, and how would you address them? According to the text, there is ââ¬Å"no such thing as a motivation. â⬠(Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). I do believe that people who are motivated are that way because they want to do their best, this is regardless of the circumstances. It would take a great deal to cause a self motivated person to become a quitter, there is room for managers and administrators within the organizations. However the managers and administrators are not there to motivate, they are there to make money, sell a product, or maintain the organization. It does not mean that they aren't concerned with the employees but the bottom line of getting the job done seems to be the priority. There are definitely concerns within the responsibilities of a police supervisor. They are ever-changing, with time, and with the type of employees. By this I mean that the supervisors may work better with some employees than others. However, in this type of position there cannot be favoritism, you must work and deal with everyone, regardless of whether or not you cannot stand them. The trick is how you approach the situation, hence, the employee. If you remain objective and fair, by removing yourself from a personal relationship with the subordinates it will be easier to see them on an equal level. I think that the biggest issue overall is getting your employees to do what you want without firing everyone and starting over! This is a huge obstacle. I have heard many times of organizations doing what is sometimes referred to as ââ¬Å"cleaning house. â⬠I believe that this should be a last resort tactic. I personally like to believe that most people want to do what is right, and given the right opportunity and environment they can learn how. I personally hate micromanagers, and I would most likely never use this tactic. I figure that if I have to micromanage an employee that they are causing problems, they do not know their job, or do not care about their job. The first option would be to offer the employee more training, not more of my micromanaging services. There is always the possibility that the employee is unsure about a procedure and needs extra help. I would try several techniques before I gave up. There are many ways that a situation like this could be addressed. I would pull the employee into a meeting so that he or she could discuss the issues, and possible solutions. I would do everything on my end to make sure that I addressed all the issues. I do not believe that people should be given up on. I know that there are many other situations a person in this position could be faced with. However, my solution would be to analyze the situation, ask questions, offer help or fins assistance, and take it from there. I believe that people should be treated as people, not just another number.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
ââ¬ÅAlien Worldââ¬Â Essay
Zaitchik is a freelance journalist who is affiliated with Poverty Law, a U.S. organization that supports ethnic and racial tolerance. Zaitchikââ¬â¢s article attempts to convey the idea that Mexicoââ¬â¢s economy is forcing people to take desperate measures in order to survive. He uses his experience with a border crossing simulation as a way to lure the reader into the article. Zaitchik then proceeds to use statistical evidence to enlighten the reader about Mexicoââ¬â¢s economic dependency on migrant workers. Zaitchik travelled to Mexico to learn about and participate in the border crossing simulation. He effectively uses his experience with the border crossing simulation, its participants, the Otomi people and his knowledge of the Mexican economy to effectively present his argument. Zaitchikââ¬â¢s personal experience and knowledge of the Otomiââ¬â¢s plight supplement his argument. He provides a series of facts and anecdotal evidence to show the emergence of a border crossing simulation in Mezquital Valley as a prelude to a bigger problem, Mexicoââ¬â¢s economic dependency on migrant workers. Zaitchik states that the Otomi, the indigenous people of Mezquital Valley, lost 90% of their working class to migrant workers (258). Many of the Otomi migrant workers make the trip north to work seasonally, but many are unable or unwilling to return (259). The authorââ¬â¢s use of these facts establishes that the Otomi were left with a population that would not be able to sustain their local culture or the communityââ¬â¢s economy. This forced the remaining population to tap into a new form of ecotourism by starting the border crossing simulation. Zaitchikââ¬â¢s simulation shows how illegal immigrants face a great number of challenges as they attempt to enter through a foreign countryââ¬â¢s borders. Each participant has paid $125 for two days camping and a midnight ââ¬Å"border crossingâ⬠experience in central Mexico. The staged run, 700 miles from the actual U.S. border, covers a bruising adventure course that winds through the valley of Alberto Eco Park. Zaitchik says, ââ¬Å"It all adds up to the worldââ¬â¢s most elaborating simulation of the Mexican migrant experienceâ⬠(259). His knowledge of the border crossingà simulation reinforces how the Otomi were forced to adapt or face extinction. One of those who left and returned is Laura Basuado a fresh faced- 27- year- old park employee who crossed the border when she was 17. She states, ââ¬Å"The night walk is not even 1 percent of what itââ¬â¢s really like.â⬠Her own journey to the U.S. involved a four-day walk through the sonoran desert. This comparison serves to further clarify that there is a gap between the middle class and the poor, emphasizing that the participants do not see this experience as an act of unifying the Mexican people. After luring the reader with the Otomiââ¬â¢s plight and experience on the simulation, Zaitchikââ¬â¢s asserts that the Mexican government tolerates and even encourages the trip up north. He gives the following as the reason, ââ¬Å"Mexicans living in the U.S. send more than $25 billion dollars in annual remittances to their relatives south of the borderâ⬠(262). $25 billion dollars is a substation amount of money for any government to give up willingly without having a means of replacing the income. The cotton industry in West Texas fears that there will be a struggle in finding field workers if the border is closed. Other regions of the country that depend on agricultural workers to pick their product in time for the market would also be affected. (Oââ¬â¢Donnell 26). It has been proven that it is extremely important for the agriculture business to have enough migrant workers to work the fields and in turn provide an economic impact to the region. Agricultureââ¬â¢s need for Mexican workers is very large, but it is also a seasonal job which sometimes will cause the migrant worker to move from the West Coast to Texas, or other agricultural states. This kind of migration is seen less and less since some states have been enforcing or enacting their own immigration laws which prevent most illegal immigrants from going and providing an econo mic impact to the region. Ask any struggling Mexican if U.S. plans for a high-tech border fence will stop the flow, and he will tell you the idea is fanciful, that you cannot deter the desperate. ââ¬Å"If you build a wall, they will build taller ladders and dig deeper tunnels,â⬠says Del Plan. ââ¬Å"If the entire border becomes clogged with armed guards, they will take boats, as the Cubans and Haitians do.â⬠Indeed, this shift is already happening (262). As you can see Oââ¬â¢Donnell and Zaitchik agree that the agriculture businesses require the migrant workers, and that increased border security will not deter illegal immigration. According to the Pew Research Hispanic Center, (Young) there is no net zero migrationà from Mexico to the U.S. for the first time in decades. Increased border patrol, stricter laws in the U.S., rising smuggling fees, violence in the desert and the struggling U.S. economy are keeping more Mexicans at home and even have some people returning to Mexico from the U.S. Th erefore, ââ¬Å"The media sees we are trying to build understanding and create jobs, and they support us says, Eduardo Del Plan, a park employee who scripts much of the simulation based on his own multiple trips across the borderâ⬠. Therefore, Zaitchik states ââ¬Å"that we have become an example of an indigenous community standing on its own feet, trying to stop the bleeding to the northâ⬠(262). (Maribel Garcia from HERE AND NOW) says itââ¬â¢s difficult to show how effective the night walks are for our visitors, but as the parks tourist offerings are expanding, and the number of visitors slowly growing, she says that the walks will generate enough income to encourage more of the communityââ¬â¢s residents to stay put. However,â⬠Bausado eventually found her way to Minnesota, where she stayed four months before deciding sheââ¬â¢d rather be poor and jobless in Mexico than poor and marginally employed in the U.S., living in constant dread of arrest or deportationâ⬠(260). Zaitchikââ¬â¢s article attempts to convey the idea that Mexicoââ¬â¢s economy is forcing people to take desperate measures in order to survive. He uses his experience with a border crossing simulation as a way to draw the reader into the article. Zaitchik then proceeds to use statistical evidence to enlighten the reader about Mexicoââ¬â¢s economic dependency on migrant workers. Overall Zaitchik experienced a memorable border crossing adventure. Work Cited From http;//www.usatoday.com. Hanson,H.G. and Council on Foreign Affairs. ââ¬Å"The economic logic of illegal immigration.â⬠USA: Council on Foreign Relations, 2007. From http;//hereandnow.wbur.org fake-border-crossing Here & Now with Robin Young and Irina Zhorov
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Googles view on the future of business
Googles view on the future of business Thesis Statement Recent developments in the internet and software business especially the level of commercial aggression arising from competitors such as (Microsoft, Apple and Facebook) is making it quite hard for Google to conclude that its business model is secured in the near future and the distant future.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Googles view on the future of business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Considering that Googleââ¬â¢s main source of revenue is from internet advertising, and software development and companies like Facebook and Twitter, Microsoft, Yahoo and other participants have considerably snatched a lot of business for them since they came into existence. Google has no option but to respond quickly and effectively with plans that will enable the company eliminate all weakness and forge in the future with a more stable business. Thus in order for Google to reduce the amount of ris ks and uncertainty that it is faced by the company, it may be forced to revise its business model and eliminate any elements that may pose a threat or cast a weakness upon their business model. Introduction Todayââ¬â¢s business environment is highly dynamic and volatile. How commercial enterprises used to go about business yesterday is not the same today and thus companies donââ¬â¢t have the luxury to assume that the future will be as the same today as it was yesterday ( Kourdi 2009, 122). Everyday there are new trends emerging in the business world which either influence or act as a force of initiating change in the business community and if companies remain rigid, then they may find themselves in problems. Consumers are becoming more radical and more aware of their rights pushing companies to develop strategies that govern their marketing mix and overall business strategy (Kotler 2003, 161). The internet and computer software industry is a highly competitive industry that is extremely volatile with the new inventions hitting the market each and every day.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore industry participants who operate within this industry are often forced to use more aggressive strategies to ensure that their business models adapt to the ever changing environment (Beach 2011. 141) Google is a software and internet company that was founded in 1998. The Company is a multinational company that runs its internet business in almost every country of the world. Additionally, the company makes annual profits of over $ 7billion and an intelligent talented workforce of over 20,000 employees. Google has risen to be one of the most respected companies in the world, and thus has continuously aimed to improve its business amongst competitors such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Bing and Baidu and the various social sites that have arisen such as Facebook and Twitter (Beach 2011. 141). The future of most businesses is not certain and hence companies vigorously involve themselves in a successful strategy so that the levels of risks and uncertainty can be reduced (Boone 2010, 88). Googleââ¬â¢s business platform involves the selling of many products and services such as Googleââ¬â¢s famous Android Smartphone Handset, Googleââ¬â¢s social sites such as Orkut and Buzz, Googleââ¬â¢s Chrome OS, Googleââ¬â¢s instant messenger Google talk and its various marketing and advertisement platforms that act as the main source of revenue for the company (Bhupendra 2011). Googles mission and vision is to provide simple yet leading technology to the millions of people using the internet, and therefore in order for Google to succeed in doing this the organization must make sure that it operates in a problem free environment by dissolving various problems facing the organization with the help of planning and strategy. Major problems and issues that Google needs to address Poor customer service value The lack of a well set customer support system within Google may act as a hindrance to the mission and vision of Google. Todayââ¬â¢s business environment is full of sensitive customers therefore it is necessary that companies develop facilities that will assist the business to make sure that each query and expression of a consumer is properly captured and responded to within a reasonable time frame ( Koontz Weihrich 2009, 133). The line ââ¬Å"we will not necessarily respond to your messageâ⬠is normally a common feature of Googleââ¬â¢s search engine unlike companies like Facebook which usually make sure they respond to the concerns of customers efficiently while Google does not and this may lead to the downfall of the company.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Googles view on the future of business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn M ore For strategy to work properly within an organization it is a must for an organization to treat a customer like king and come up with a mechanism that will respond to the need of consumers whenever need arises and the best mechanism for doing so is a fully equipped and well staffed customer care department (Bhupendra 2011). Yahoo one of Googleââ¬â¢s largest competitor has a fairly stronger customer service and therefore this fact may rub well with consumers and hence dissatisfied consumers may consequently switch to where they think their opinion matters (Bhupendra 2011). It is important not for Google to recruit the best computer scientists and developers but also dedicate efforts towards implementing superior customer care facilities, because if consumer needs and desires are ignored this may prove problematic. Many companies have become successful because they have set up systems which can mine vital data from their consumers by the help of well established customer care centers (Kotler 2003,203 -211). The date that is collected from this stage is then used to formulate, implement, evaluate and control the various forms of strategies that exist within the organization. As a result the companies which have good strategies can easily navigate their way through present and future crises (Koontz Weihrich 2009, 53). Stiff Competition and Hostility Google may have recently gained ground on other business fronts but Facebook and Twitter has significantly threatened its dominance in the internet advertising industry (Bhupendra 2011). Additionally, the number of people who previously depended on PCââ¬â¢s and Laptops to access the internet is sharply falling since the introduction of smart phones, with the current increase in the number of people who are now using smart phones as their primary means of accessing the internet then Googleââ¬â¢s previous assumptions that the Personal computer and Laptops would remain primary sources of placing adver tisement has been met wit astonishment. Internet advertisement companies have been forced to upgrade their technology and enter the mobile telephony advertisement industry. Competition between social sites and Google has also forced Google to enter into the social marketing media although Googleââ¬â¢s penetration remains small (Bhupendra 2011).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus if Google intends to continue dominating the internet viral marketing atmosphere the company may be forced to either partner up with current dominant social sites or use other mechanisms to make sure their social sites such as Buzz and Orkut gain numbers as fast as possible. Away from internet advertising both Microsoft and yahoo are becoming more vigorous and thus pose a threat to Googleââ¬â¢s dominance thus forcing Google to take part in continuous strategic consultations and evaluation in order to perform well. It should therefore become the duty of one department within Google to continuously gather competitive intelligence and consult with strategic heads in order to evaluate and control the strategy of Google (Kotler 2003, 211). Since Google has decided to start manufacturing hardware such as the Android Smartphone and developing other software such as the Chrome OS many previous business partners like Samsung, Intel, have seen this move as a bad move that threatens th eir business models and therefore are planning retaliatory moves against Google (Bhupendra 2011). Googleââ¬â¢s inability Penetrate the Chinese market The Chinese market is one of the largest internet markets with close to 400 internet users and therefore gaining control over such a market would prove very profitable to the business of Google (Beach 2011 141). It is thus necessary that Google sets up proper mechanisms to make sure those negotiations with other Chinese companiesââ¬â¢ bearââ¬â¢s fruit for the company. According to ââ¬Å"China Digital Timesâ⬠, Google mainly failed to negotiate the necessary syndication deals with Chinese partners (Beach 2011. 141). Although Google claimed that the Chinese government was behind its failure in China it should have been the duty of negotiating experts to make sure that the deal was renegotiated because China is a country with a long term potential of doing business. Therefore with Google not participating in the Chinese mark et other competitors may use this fact to compete against Google and destabilize Googleââ¬â¢s business model. The amount of revenues that could be collected from China by Google could help the company conduct research and development and launch new product or fund their strategies (Kotler 2003, 43). Data Privacy and security problems Many users of the internet usually prefer that their anonymity be maintained and that their right to privacy be respected. Personal data belonging to users of Google products and software is only anonymized for up to 9 months thus leaving users of Google vulnerable when this timeframe expires. Therefore other individuals such as employees and even hackers can access the information and use this information to their advantage and even commit fraud or leak information which was considered private and confidential. Techniques that can be used to identify the problems In order for Google to correctly identify the extent to which this problems are likely to affect their business model the company could carry a market research thorough which a SWOT analysis and the use of porters model to accurately explain to what extent competition and rivalry can affect their business objectives (Kotler 2003, 88). A SWOT analysis for the company, a competitor analysis and an industry analysis would assist the company understands itself better. Additionally, Google will be able to compare itself with other close competitors and moreover, understand what the industry expects of software and internet companies who participate within the same industry such as such as Google, Mozilla, Bing, Baidu, Apple and others. The advantage of using a SWOT analysis is that both internal and external factors that influence a companyââ¬â¢s business performance can all be determined so that the company can eliminate all weaknesses and threats and therefore maximize revenue streams and overall company performance by tapping into opportunities and strengths that the company possesses (Kourdi 2009, 122). It is therefore the duty of Google to conduct vigorous research to accurately identify elements of its SWOT analysis, Competitor intelligence reports and overall industry reports. Figure 1: The link between strategic planning and commercial success. The diagram above suggests that by putting in place strong strategy and executing it efficiently organizations face almost 100% certainty that they can succeed but if the strategy is weak it is more likely that the strategy will not succeed. Consequently, it is true to conclude that if Google goes forward to carefully conduct research and gather relevant data it will be possible for the company to address the route course of their problems, and become a more formidable company (Czinkota 1998, 44). Recommendations The results of the SWOT analysis, the competitor intelligence reports and industry reports will be crucial in making the necessary recommendations that will help reduce the impact that may arise out of the problems that Google faces. In order for Google to be more in touch with the feelings, taste and preferences needs and queries of their customers it is thus a must that the company puts in place a highly efficient customer care structure. A good customer care strategy will make sure that any shifts in customer care behavior are detected early and thus appropriate action will be taken to make sure that the customer is happy and satisfied. The customer care services may either be formed in various regions in the world to deal with the large number of consumers or even outsourced to one single country where cheap labor can be found. Due to the stiff nature of competition within the industry Google should therefore embark on establishing a competitive intelligence unit who will work hand in hand with the strategic development department. This move will enable Google be able to continuously monitor and evaluate their strategy in a real-time basis and thus make any chang es depending on the actions of the competitors. Furthermore Google can alternatively look for other options which may allow it to collaborate with its more hostile partners who do not like the fact that Google has entered into their business field. Google should also step up its negotiations with the Chinese government and give in to reasonable demands because their absence in the Chinese market can injure their corporate ambitions. Furthermore if this option does not work Google can alternatively look for means by which it will enter into a collaborative business with Baidu thus making their presence certain in China. Following many complaints and lawsuits concerning Data Privacy and security problems, Google should put more effort and force its developers to come up with techniques that will allow the company to successfully develop methods that would protect the security of all customers whom use their products. Evaluate the pros and cons of various action alternatives The advant age of carrying out vigorous research through a SWOT analysis, a competitor analysis and an industry analysis would give Google Leverage that would enable the company to set out the appropriate strategy. Information is power and with power strategic heads of a company can more effectively put in place the right strategic choices. The dangers that are attached to carrying out strategic changes in the absence of research may offer a cheaper option but may result to weaker strategies that may obviously fail in the process of execution (Kourdi 2009, 122). Research makes it more possible to gather accurate and unbiased information on the competitors, the companyââ¬â¢s internal and external environment together with competitive intelligence information. But if the company sees that it lacks the capacity for it to carryout research by itself, then the company should outsource and contract other companies who have more experience to carry out research on their behalf (Katakota Robinson 2001, 133). Although this may be the most expensive option it is far the best option because third parties are more likely to be more unbiased and professional in their work depending on their previous track record. Conclusion Googleââ¬â¢s current and future success largely depends on the way the organization will chose to tackle the various problems that are affecting its current business model. Many businesses face problems but the role of planning and setting strategies is a very important issue as it assists businesses resolve their problems and emerge victorious when crises hit their organizations. It is thus the role of the companyââ¬â¢s leadership conduct research and use the data which they have obtained from carrying the research to make valid and efficient strategies that would make sure that the current problems are solved so that the organization can move forward and even beat its competitors in business. The failure of organizations to take part in strategic plann ing may lead to loss of market share and revenues hence prevent a company from achieving its mission and vision. References Bhupendra, R. (2011). 10 Reasons why Google may fail in the Future. Web. Beach, S. (2011). Googleââ¬â¢s Future in China Uncertain. Web. Boone, L. (2010). Contemporary Business. NJ New Jersey: Wiley Sons. Czinkota, R. M. (1998). Trends in international business. Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing. Gaudin, S. (2010). Google, Facebook battle for future of the Web: Could Googles Achilles heel be showing as Facebook teams up with Microsoft? Web. Katakota, R. Robinson, M. (2001). E-Business 2.0 Roadmap for success. NJ New Jersey: Pearson Education. Koontz, H. Weihrich, H. (2009). Essence of Management an International Perspective, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill. Kotler, P. (2003). Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 concepts every manager needs to know. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons Inc. Kourdi, J. (2009). Business Strategy: A Guide to Effective Decision Making, (2 edn ), New York: Economist books.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Manage Multiple Marketing Clients In One Platform With CoSchedule
Manage Multiple Marketing Clients In One Platform With Managing a hundred different clientsâ⬠¦ With a million different platformsâ⬠¦ is NO cakewalk. Youââ¬â¢re constantly jumping from tool to toolâ⬠¦ â⬠¦attempting to keep track of a thousand moving parts AND every associated deadlineâ⬠¦ youââ¬â¢re running from client to clientâ⬠¦ (with new projects to add to your workload after every visit) and itââ¬â¢s enough to make you feel like your head is spinning. *sigh* But what if there was a way you could manage all your clients in ONE place? Where you could integrate all your marketing platformsâ⬠¦ easily manage your workflows + track deadlinesâ⬠¦ AND have some kick butt analytics to show your clients how *amazing* you are. Too good to be true? Think again :) How To Manage All Your Clients On ONE Platform, Increase Productivity, And Get Crazy OrganizedIntroducing For Agencies! AKA your one stop marketing shop to keep your sanity intact and keep your agency workinââ¬â¢ like a well-oiled marketing machine. With for Agencies, you can: Manage all your clients in ONE place. Eliminate the need for spreadsheets, email threads, and multiple platforms! Get all your clients under one roof. Make it easy for you, your clients, ANDà your team to collaborate, manage projects, and getà sh*tà done. Simplify your teamââ¬â¢s workflows and collaboration. With custom integrations, team member approvals, and streamlined communication, you can easily facilitate real time collaboration with your clients, stay on track with project tasks, and execute on projects faster. Customize to fit your needs. is designed for flexibility. And as your clientele grows, so should your calendar. With three tiers of multi-calendar plans, makes it easy to scale your plan to fit your clientââ¬â¢s unique needs! Improve client retention with data driven results. No more warm fuzzies! Prove the value of all your hard work with real data. Utilize ââ¬â¢s most advanced analytics to measure your success and improve client retentionâ⬠¦.(without all the tedious data collection). Which means you can stop jumping from screen to screen, manageà all your clients on ONE platform,à and get your agency super organized in the process. Letââ¬â¢s jump into the deets!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Over Representation of Learning-Disabled Students in the Public Research Paper
Over Representation of Learning-Disabled Students in the Public Education System - Research Paper Example The education of learning ââ¬âdisabled students is a big problem in many countries. The question of whether these students should be permitted to educate along with the normal students or in separate classes is a big question. Some psychologists and educationalists argue that learning-disabled students should be educated along with the normal students in order to avoid any feeling of discrimination. However, many others are of the view that separate classes are required for educating learning-disabled students properly since the educational methods used for the normal students may not be suitable for learning-disabled students. Because of the above contrasting views, the current public education system gives overrepresentation to the educational needs of the learning disabled students.à Overrepresentation of learning disabled students can result in the creation of stereotypes. Stereotyping is perceived as a big problem in contemporary society. ââ¬Å"Stereotypes are generalizations, or assumptions that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group are likeâ⬠(Inaccurate and Overly Hostile Stereotypes, 1998). Stereotyping or classification of people based on their peculiarities can create both positive and negative changes. It is easier to create stereotypes when there is a clear distinction between people which can be easily recognized. In the educational system, stereotyping may cause the destruction of the self-esteem of the students. Students always compare themselves with the peers. If they feel that they are some way inferior to others, their self-esteem may not develop properly. In fact, uniforms and other measures are implemented in schools in order to eliminate the possib ility of the creation of unwanted feelings in the minds of the students.
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